Creepy Ghost?

Creepy: Ghost of Girl Appears in Photo Taken at El Paso High

By Aaron Gonzalez / 10 April 2015

A ghosty image is making its rounds on social media in El Paso.

It’s a photo that was taken during a game at El Paso High School’s football stadium. The image shows nothing out of the ordinary, that is until you spot the figure of a small girl in a dark colored dress and white shoes, standing in between two men. The photo was taken a few weeks ago, according to the photographer, Isabel Flores Villalobos‎, who posted the photo on Facebook.

El Paso High School was recently ranked the Most Haunted School in America. Many people have claimed to have encountered a ghost, including one that belongs to a girl that committed suicide by jumping off a balcony at the school. Could this be the spirit of the girl roaming the sidewalks during a game?



El Paso HS Ranks Scariest Haunted School in USA

Aaron Gonzalez / 19 February 2015

It’s a story every El Pasoan knows. El Paso High School, established in 1916, haunted by a girl seen jumping off a closed balcony at the end of a hallway.

At night, the ceilings ooze with goo dripping onto the abandoned basement rooms, once used as an overflow morgue during World War 2. One of the most notable sights, a young lady appears in a 1985 graduating class photo. The girl was not in the original negative but is in the developed photo. No one knows who she is.

The photo has earned El Paso High School the No. 1 Scariest High School in America ranking by

“Some believe the apparition to be a young girl who had taken her own life years before by jumping from a balcony connected to the misty hallway,” reads the article. “Others have seen the very same ghostly figure jump from said balcony, disappearing before hitting the ground each time. Any way you slice it, El Paso High School takes spine-tingling to frightening new heights.”